How to Heal Your Energy with Marma Therapy
“The knowledge of Marma points can make your everyday life richer because it can benefit your digestion, sleep, energy levels, and concentration. It will start to affect your everyday decisions and allow for the flow.”
I recently talked with my mentor, teacher, and friend, Indu Arora about marma therapy, an Ayurvedic practice used to keep the channels of energy open and flowing through our systems. Indu is an Ayurveda and Yoga Therapist who has been teaching these philosophies and practices for over two decades.
Your body is full of energy.
In Ayurveda, most remedies and routines are meant to optimize the flow of prana or lifeforce energy in our bodies. The flow of lifeforce energy is a central aspect of all things Ayurveda. Remedies and routines bring elements into balance to optimize the flow of prana. This isn’t just an idea in Ayurveda–Western science affirms that our bodies are full of electricity. Our cells use electricity to communicate throughout the brain and body.
Marma points regulate energy flow.
When I asked Indu for a definition of marma therapy, she offered a beautiful metaphor instead. Begin by visualizing a room. As you know, within the walls, there are hidden wires that connect electricity to the light switches and sockets in the wall.
Marma points are the light switches in the body where you can access and influence the flow of energy and adjust the amount of light by turning the dial up or down. Marma therapy is a practice that helps you calibrate these switches throughout the body to unblock the flow of prana. And if you’re thinking about acupuncture or acupressure, you’re on the right track. These are both modalities that use marma points to access the energy channels.
It’s all about balance.
If you remember anything about your biology class in high school, it might be that the human body is always working to achieve homeostasis. Marma therapy, and all of Ayurveda, encourage us to bring elements into balance for optimal health. Marma therapy integrates health beyond the physical body, opening pathways to explore our consciousness and self-realization. As Indu said to me, “Not everything can be healed through therapy. And what if something cannot be healed? Does that make us incomplete?”
And to that question, my answer is no. No matter your circumstances, self-acceptance and self-healing are possible. It all starts with you.
Be well,
Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD
P.S. If you want to learn more about energy as medicine, check out these posts: