3 Ayurvedic Tips for Spring Health


Spring is nature’s time for growth, transformation, and renewal. And while nature seems to have everything under control when it comes to adapting to each seasonal change, we don’t seem to do much. In Ayurveda, the change of seasons is significant because of the impact it can have on your body and mind…and ultimately on your health.

Shed that winter coat.

Each season brings new energies into our external world… and each of these energies corresponds to changes in our internal world. By knowing how to adjust our lives- our routines, diet, and self-care practices to these new energies, we feel better and stay healthier.

In most of the temperate areas of North America, winter is long, dark, and very cold, requiring us to stay indoors to stay warm- almost hibernating like bears. And like bears, we insulate our bodies against the harsh temperatures and weather. The transition from winter to spring requires us to “shake off the heaviness of winter” that can lead to excess mucus, lethargy, and an overall feeling of dullness when nature begins to bloom.

Spring into spring health.

The transition to spring is associated with cool but warming temperatures. The wet and warming climate of the season is the perfect setting for new growth and transformation… or re-birth. We see a harvest of light, cleansing foods, and longer days encourage a more lively daily rhythm. Below are 3 springtime habits that will support you in achieving vibrant health and well-being as you transition from winter to spring.

3 Ayurvedic tips for spring health.

  1. Wake with the sun (by 6 am) and sleep within 2 hours of sunset (by 10 pm).  This schedule aligns the body with circadian rhythms, bringing you into harmony with nature- the key to vibrant health. By getting adequate sleep, the detoxification processes that occur within your body overnight can help clear the excess accumulation of heaviness that occurs in the winter. Without this detoxification, toxins build up within the body and manifest as “springtime” symptoms such as allergies, congestion, and excess mucus.

  2. Lighten up your diet and add some heat. Favor food that is light, bitter, and astringent, such as sprouts, cruciferous vegetables, asparagus, and leafy greens. Reduce your intake of dairy and heavier foods by replacing them with their lighter cousins- leaner meats instead of red meat and seeds instead of nuts. Add some heat using pungent spices such as pepper, garlic, and ginger to ignite your metabolic fire, which helps shed the heaviness of winter.

  3. Add a “spring to your step.”
    After hibernating all winter, it’s time to bring some vigor back into your day. Incorporate a flow of sun salutations in the morning or faster-paced walks after meals. Add playful activities such as skipping rope or a game of basketball with some friends. The increased pace of activity will help to release the excess heaviness accumulated during winter.

I hope you’ll try one or all of these simple strategies to help you utilize this time of renewal to align with spring’s vibrant rhythm and support your health.

Be well,


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

P.S. Looking for a total refresh? Check out my 3-Day Energy Reset, my personal practice for resetting my energy between seasons.

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