Revamp Your Nighttime Routine: Essential Sleep Tips from Dr. Avanti & Dr. Tanmeet Sethi

Text: The Healing Catalyst; Image: Avanti and Tanmeet are smiling brightly at the camera while hugging each other, they are both wearing dark colored tops with gold jewelry. Avanti has short hair and Tanmeet has long dark hair

Do you feel like you're doing everything "right" but still end up staring at the ceiling at 3 AM? You're not alone. In a lively discussion on The Healing Catalyst Podcast, Dr. Tanmeet Sethi and I explore the elusive nature of sleep— why it might be just out of reach and how you can grab hold of it with both hands. Here’s a sneak peek at what we uncovered, but tune into the episode for all the essential sleep tips we discussed.

​​Decoding Sleep Cycles: More Than Just Dreaming

Let’s start with understanding the fundamental mechanics of your sleep cycles,  non-REM and REM sleep. Each stage serves a unique purpose. During deep non-REM sleep, your body slows down and works on essential restorative processes such as muscle and bone growth, tissue repair, and immune system regulation. On the other hand, memory consolidation and muscle repair happen during the REM stage of your night. Appreciating these stages helps underscore the necessity of a full night's rest. We also share a few gems on harnessing the power of each sleep stage— definitely more to this story in our full conversation!

Rethink Coffee Consumption: Finding the Right Balance

We also discuss the significant impact of caffeine on sleep. Because it’s not just about skipping that late afternoon espresso. Caffeine consumption at any time can alter the timing of your body clock and reduce your total sleep time. Dr. Sethi noted how even a single cup of morning coffee can significantly disrupt her sleep architecture. Join us in the episode for insights that could make you rethink your coffee habit.

Evening Rituals: Creating a Sanctuary for Sleep

A consistent evening wind-down routine is key for sleep. In addition, transforming your bedroom into a sleep oasis signals your mind and body that it's time to wind down. Dr. Tanmeet and I also share our favorite rituals and environmental tweaks that promise to guide you into a peaceful slumber.

Did you know routines are one of the most powerful tools we have to impact our health and well-being? Learn how routines reset your circadian rhythm in one of my most popular blogs.

Don’t miss out on our full discussion on The Healing Catalyst Podcast. It’s packed with our personal experiences, expert advice, and actionable tips that just might be the key to unlocking the best sleep of your life.

Connect With dr. Tanmeet Sethi:

Looking for a deeper dive? Check out my conversation on the Ayurvedic practice of Shavasana with Indu Arora

Transform your nights—because great days begin with good nights.

Be well,


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

P.S. Feeling tired? Take the Energy Fix Quiz to unlock personalized recommendations for your routine. To boost your energy, you can also try 7 steps to become a morning person.

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